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Making Better Notes
- Latest Changes
- Principles
- About These Notes
- Always have a pen
- Calendars are for Appointments
- Choose Your Pen
- Commonplace Book
- Displacement Activity
- Fountain Pens
- Front Matter
- Good Home
- Improve The Moment
- Incremental Formalization
- Information Triage
- Meta Space
- Moleskines
- Permanent Record
- Prep Your Pages
- Reading
- Sketching in Airports
- Storm Sort
- Tinderbox: Automatic Prototypes
- Tinderbox: Color Schemes
- Tinderbox: Prototypes
- To Do
- Weekly Sweep
- Write It Down
- You Need Two Journals
- Other Resources
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Photo: Photos to Go
This site collects ideas about making, analyzing, organizing, and sharing notes.
The First Principle of making better notes is simple: make notes. Write it down.
You are likely to need two kinds of note.
- First, you need a permanent record -- a compendium that collects all your notes. For most people today, that collection of notes should be electronic -- an intelligent, organic, self-organizing collection that you can search, browse, and share.
- You also need to be ready to capture information all the time -- even when your permanent, electronic collection isn't handy. For this, you'll want to have pen and paper. That might mean some scraps of paper and a stick pen in your pocket. Or, it might mean an elegant Italian journal that sits on your desk, or beside your bed.
Making Better Notes is sponsored by Eastgate Systems, the makers of Tinderbox. See About These Notes, which also has interesting details about how the site is written.