Eastgate Systems      Serious Hypertext

Weekly Sweep


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Making Better Notes

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Made with Tinderbox!

from a Tinderbox map by Professor Julie Tolmie, exploring connections in a set of several hundred patterns for game design. Presented at Tinderbox Weekend Paris, Spring 2005.

You need two journals: one that can be always handy (and which is often on paper) and one that is permanent, intelligent, and easy to search. Tinderbox is ideal for your permanent information store.

Sweep all your paper notes into your Tinderbox file periodically -- every morning, or once a week.

It's important to establish the habit of writing things down immediately and to establish a rhythm of moving these jottings into your permanent store. The purpose of the weekly sweep is not improving or editing or polishing, though some people like to do a little cleaning as they copy. The point is twofold:

Get into the habit. Scan the drawings, transcribe the text. Get your material where you can search it, scan it, organize it. Do it now.